Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales is a naval game devoted to pirate adventures at the Caribbean seas of the 17th century, aiming to be the ultimate pirate simulation. Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales models all the details of a sword swinging pirate's life and misses no part of his everyday adventures. Taking the role of reckless fortune-hunter Blaze or redheaded daredevil Beatrice – the player will navigate his sailor in the original seas of the Caribbean, trade multiple goods, plunder merchant convoys, accomplish quests, build up his fleet, capture and rule colonies and much more.
Following his lucky star he lives an endless life full of naval battles, bloody fights, treasure hunt and other adventures, in a world of piracy and sea romance. In addition, the game can be played in third person perspective, allowing you to walk through your colonies or fight
with your own sword, side by side with your crew, and challenge every other captain on the sea!
Release Date: September 12, 2006
MSRP: $29.99
Exclusively on: PC
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Playlogic
Developer: Akella
Online Play: 16 Versus
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